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By @someburneraccount
    2019-02-21 00:21:03.573Z

    Is it possible to have thumbnails for talkyard? I think that would help users to process information not just through text but also through images and give an idea what the thread may be about. I kinda tried it by just uploading an image in the post so that it looks like a thumbnail but the issue is that if other users post images in the thread as well, then those images are picked as well and it doesn't look like a thumbnail anymore. What I have in mind is thumbnails similar to reddit.

    • 2 replies
    1. KajMagnus @KajMagnus2019-02-21 03:45:48.733Z2019-02-21 03:57:58.582Z

      Is what you have in mind, this: The first image in the original post, gets used as a thumbnail? So, instead of this:

      we'll have this:

      That shouldn't be too hard to implement, ... and at the same time, many things to do for the moment, so probably will take a while before this happens. Anyway I think it's a good idea (assuming I understood correctly :- )). This, I mean a single thumbnail to the left, will be one more forum topic list layout, the forum admins can choose between, then.

      1. S@someburneraccount
          2019-02-22 21:16:58.103Z

          Yeah we're on the same page. The second image you posted is what I had in my mind. Thanks!

        • Progress
          with doing this idea
        • @KajMagnus marked this topic as Planned 2019-02-21 03:45:51.944Z.