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Make up failing on 'ed-logging' dependency

By Tracy Waudby @twaudby
    2019-03-08 22:46:40.117Z


    When I run the "make up" command, it gets stuck on an error:

    [error] (update) sbt.librarymanagement.ResolveException: unresolved dependency: community.ed#ed-logging_2.12;0.0.2: not found

    Is this a known issue?

    • 8 replies
    1. Yes sort of — other people have run into this too. I thought I had fixed it, but now I noticed I've forgotten to remove a line from the Scala SBT dependency list, for a dependency that's no longer in use.

      I just removed that line ... now I'm typing make up in a clean Vagrant VM. If this works, the problem should have been solved. (I didn't push this fix yet, to the Git repo; I'll do later today)

      (I didn't notice the problem myself because I had compiled the dependency long ago so it was in my build cache, and was therefore found.)

      1. TTracy Waudby @twaudby
          2019-03-10 03:00:13.842Z

          Thanks! I'll test it out once you push the fix.

          1. In reply toKajMagnus:
            TTracy Waudby @twaudby
              2019-03-10 16:34:15.644Z2019-03-10 20:54:24.251Z

              Hi @KajMagnus,

              i pulled the latest code and got past the ed-logging, but now there is a new missing dependency error:

              [error] (update) sbt.librarymanagement.ResolveException: unresolved dependency: net.minidev#json-smart;[1.3.1,2.3]: not found

              1. Could this have been a temporary network error? What happens if you try again? (You can type make play-cli to start the Scala console, and then type compile to download dependencies and compile the Scala code.)

                Or, what operating system do you use? Maybe there's some problem with where the ~/.ivy2/ cache folder is located.

                The dependency is available in, version 2.3 and it gets downloaded properly to my computer.

                ( More details: It's a transitive dependency, included via Silhouette, an OpenAuth library — sbt> dependencyTree shows:

                [info]   +-com.mohiva:play-silhouette_2.12:5.0.5 [S]
                [info]   | +-com.atlassian.jwt:jwt-api:2.0.1
                [info]   | |
                [info]   | | 
                [info]   | +-com.atlassian.jwt:jwt-core:2.0.1
                [info]   | | +-com.nimbusds:nimbus-jose-jwt:4.41.1
                [info]   | | | +-com.github.stephenc.jcip:jcip-annotations:1.0-1
                [info]   | | | +-net.minidev:json-smart:2.3       <———— there it is
                [info]   | | |   +-net.minidev:accessors-smart:1.2
                [info]   | | |     +-org.ow2.asm:asm:5.0.4

                It gets dowloaded properly to a clean Ubuntu 18.04 VM when I test on my computer:

                [info] downloading ...
                [info] 	[SUCCESSFUL ] net.minidev#json-smart;2.3!json-smart.jar(bundle) (329ms)

                and it's in ~/.ivy2 on my computer:

                root@ubuntu-bionic:~/.ivy2# find . -regex '.*json-smart.*'


                1. TTracy Waudby @twaudby
                    2019-03-10 22:57:55.564Z

                    I get the same dependency error for net.minidev#json-smart when running compile from make play-cli

                    I'm on CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810. I can try getting an Ubuntu box to set this up instead.

                    Thanks again for responding!

                    1. Maybe you could send me the Play Framework log files? If you type: docker-compose logs app | gzip --stdout > app-logs.txt.gz and attach app-logs.txt.gz here or in a private message?

                      Also, what happens if you do this:

                      cd /tmp/

                      Will that download the json-smart-2.3.jar file? (works for me; I get an 118K large file.)

              2. Progress
                with handling this problem
              3. @KajMagnus marked this topic as Planned 2019-03-09 07:00:01.929Z.
              4. @KajMagnus marked this topic as Started 2019-03-09 07:00:02.738Z.
              5. Hi again Tracy @twaudby, now I've removed the dependency, and everything works fine without it now (as far as I can tell). Would you like to try? If you pull the latest changes from the master branch, incl this commit:

                1. Marking as done, since the ed-logging problem is now gone (I removed the dependency), and Tracy you got past that error ( ...

                  ... I think the other problem, which happened thereafter: unresolved dependency: net.minidev#json-smart is because of being on a corporate network and reverse proxy settings not yet configured. Tracy @twaudby feel free to open a different topic about that if you want to.

                  1. @KajMagnus marked this topic as Done 2019-06-09 12:43:08.450Z.