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Multi tenant / multi site support

By @fas
    2021-05-09 09:11:45.227Z

    Hi. Is it possible to configure a muilti-site multi-tenant installation? I read somewhere in the forum that the database supports multi-tenant but can find no other information.

    • 4 replies
    1. Yes, look here:

      If you try this out, let me know if it works for you? (Maybe there's some step I haven't documented properly / that is confusing)

      1. F@fas
          2021-05-12 13:06:13.909Z

          Hello Kaj,

          I have tried this and found the following issues:

          In the instructions:
          talkyard.createSiteHostname="" talkyard.baseDomain=""

          there is no option for talkyard.baseDomain, only for talkyard.cdnOrigin="//"
          I assumed that these are the same thing.

          The only allows the creation of forums with ".localhost" ending. Maybe this has to do with the "missing" talkyard.baseDomain?

          Also, is there a way to use the API to create a new forum?


          1. F@fas
              2021-05-12 13:15:37.033Z

              I just added the baseDomain to the play init file and now the create forum works with the correct base domain.

              1. there is no option for talkyard.baseDomain

                I just added the baseDomain to the play init file

                Ok, yes that's right — I think that line isn't there, from the start. Maybe I should update the docs, and mention this.

                there is no option for talkyard.baseDomain, only for talkyard.cdnOrigin="//"
                I assumed that these are the same thing

                They're different — the CDN is if you buy a Content Delivery Network from e.g. Fastly, Amazon, KeyCDN, BunnyCDN or something like that. Then, all your Talkyard sites, will serve CSS, Javascript and images etc, from that CDN. But in most cases, I'd say you don't need a CDN, e.g. if you're self hosted at DigitalOcean or Hetzner.

                is there a way to use the API to create a new forum?

                Not as of now. Seems like a good thing to add. It'd need just a hostname, plus the new site owner's email address I would think. And there'd need to be an API secret, in that config file as well, to use when calling the API. (Currently API secrets, are per site, but this secret, would be for the whole server)