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Where can a user find the talkyard version number in the UI?

By Joe Linoff @jlinoff
    2021-10-19 18:00:33.727Z

    I was unable to find the version number in the talkyard UI.

    I thought that it might be useful when reporting bugs or requesting new features.

    Is it there somewhere but i was just too lame to find it?

    Solved in post #2, click to view
    • 2 replies
    1. Currently the version number is available at the URL path /-/build-info, for example, at this site Ty .io:

      Maybe it'd be nice with an "About" button somewhere, which opened an About dialog with version number and other things, like most (desktop) applications have. But where's a good place for an About button — maybe in one's username menu? Or would that give the impression that one would get to read about oneself? Maybe it should be called "About Talkyard" instead then

      Reply1 LikeSolution
      1. JJoe Linoff @jlinoff
          2021-10-20 22:55:25.911Z

          Thank you for your timely and clear response. That is a perfectly fine way to get the version.